Welcome to Nal Jeevan Hospital - Your Destination for Ayurvedic Gastritis Treatment

At Nal Jeevan Hospital, we specialize in providing comprehensive and effective Ayurvedic treatment for gastritis, focusing on addressing the underlying imbalances in the body while providing natural relief from symptoms. Our hospital combines ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern medical expertise to offer personalized solutions for managing gastritis and promoting overall digestive health and well-being.

Understanding Gastritis

Gastritis is inflammation of the lining of the stomach, which can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. It can be caused by various factors, including infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, excessive alcohol consumption, chronic stress, and certain medications. While conventional treatments such as medications and lifestyle changes are available, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to gastritis treatment, addressing the root cause of the condition and promoting overall digestive health and well-being.

Ayurvedic Approach to Gastritis Treatment

At Nal Jeevan Hospital, our Ayurvedic treatment for gastritis aims to balance the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), improve digestive function, and soothe inflammation naturally. By addressing the underlying imbalances in the body, we aim to alleviate symptoms, reduce inflammation, and promote overall digestive health.

Treatment Modalities

Our Ayurvedic treatment for gastritis may include:

  • Herbal Remedies: We prescribe customized herbal formulations and natural remedies known for their anti-inflammatory, digestive, and gastroprotective properties. Herbal preparations such as Licorice (Yashtimadhu), Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Ginger, and Haritaki may be used to soothe inflammation, improve digestion, and protect the gastric mucosa.
  • Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma therapies, such as Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and Basti (medicated enema), are used to detoxify the body, balance the doshas, and promote digestive health. These therapies help remove toxins from the digestive tract, improve digestion, and support overall well-being.
  • Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations: We provide personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations based on Ayurvedic principles to support digestive health and promote overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in fiber, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, along with stress management techniques and adequate hydration, is essential for managing gastritis and promoting digestive health.

Why Choose Us


  • Expertise: Our team of experienced Ayurvedic physicians and therapists specializes in treating gastritis using time-tested Ayurvedic principles and therapies.
  • Holistic Approach: We take a holistic approach to gastritis treatment, addressing the root cause of the condition while promoting overall digestive health and well-being.
  • Patient-Centric Care: We prioritize patient satisfaction and well-being, providing compassionate care and personalized treatment plans to meet each individual's unique needs and goals.


If you or a loved one is struggling with gastritis and seeking natural, holistic treatment solutions, Nal Jeevan Hospital is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced Ayurvedic physicians and take the first step towards effective gastritis management and improved overall digestive health and well-being.

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